Call 002
Distance and Virtual Undergraduate Tutors 2024
Institute of Regional Projection and Distance Education - IPRED
The call for candidates to expand the pool of eligible tutors for the distance and virtual education modality at the Institute of Regional Projection and Distance Education (IPRED) aims to select individuals with a strong sense of belonging and institutional commitment. These tutors, hired by the University to perform teaching functions, are expected to demonstrate personal, professional, and ethical excellence aligned with the Vision, Mission, and Institutional Objectives. Tutors temporarily manage subjects and are linked to UIS through a special employment contract, lasting up to one academic semester.
The pool of eligible candidates allows IPRED programs to maintain a list of professionals who meet the qualifications to serve as tutors in IPRED academic programs. This list is valid for five (5) years, but inclusion does not imply an immediate hiring; candidates will be contacted as teaching needs arise within the programs.
Publication of the call
October to
November 11
Registration for the call through the institutional website. Until 5:00 p.m.
November to
November 16
Verification of compliance with requirements
November to
November 23
Resume valoration
November to
November 27
Period for submission of essays
December to
December 10
Publication of final results
Documentation and
Terms of Reference
PDF document. Minutes No. 40 of October 23, 2024 of the Council of the Institute - Institute of Regional Projection and Distance Education - IPRED.
Publication of the call
Registration for the call through the institutional website. Until 5:00 p.m.
Verification of compliance with requirements
Resume valoration
Period for submission of essays
Interview period
Publication of final results
Requirements and
Comply with the training and experience required for each profile.
Register as an applicant in the information system provided by the university and enabled on the microsite of the call as: Registration and Registration to the Call.
Fill out the resume form enabled on the microsite of the call through the link Registration and Registration to the Call, then option Human Talent and then Resume module.
Register on the dates established in the schedule of the call, through the microsite of the call in the link Registration and Registration to the Call and, subsequently, go through the options Human Talent/Personnel Administration/Chair/Calls for teaching chairs/Registration for teaching profile.
The documentation for registration for the call, which must be uploaded to the information system provided by the University for this purpose is:
Undergraduate (technical, technologist or professional) or postgraduate (specialization, master’s, doctorate) degrees and degree certificates.
Specific experience (institutional certifications) in the area or in teaching of the subject(s) of interest. Labor certificates must include: company name or name of the entity that issues them, name of the position, functions or obligations, dedication, as well as the precise dates of the beginning and end of the relationship or execution of the contract. This is also valid for profiles that include the subject of undergraduate work.
Academic productivity if available (original or copy of productions and certifications in the case of papers).
Certification of refresher courses directly related to the pedagogical or professional area, especially in the area of performance (only the last 5 years).
6. Have a good command of ICT tools related to teaching and their area of performance.
7. Have time availability (variable) from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Monday to Friday and from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays.
8. Have ease in moving to the venue where the subject is developed.
9. Submit a work visa for foreign applicants.
Registration Form
- Inscription
- Resume
- Essay
- Interview
- Publication of Results
Document Verification
First. Document verification. The Academic Sub-Directorate of the IPRED identifies that the applicant has provided the documents required for registration.
Second. Formation of the Selection Committee for Tutor Candidates. As established in Agreement 105 of 1999, which states that this body will be in charge of carrying out the entire evaluation process and will establish formats for evaluation and weighting of scores for the tests.
Third. Verification of requirements. The Selection Committee for Candidates for Tutors verifies that the resumes meet the minimum requirements for the profile to which they are submitted.
Fourth. Evaluation of resume. The Selection Committee Candidates to Tutor evaluates the curriculum vitae based on the criteria established in Agreement 105 of 1999. The Academic Coordination will inform candidates who obtain 24 points or more in the resume evaluation about the next step (submission of the essay). Candidates who score below 24 do not continue in the process.
Fifth. Evaluation of the essay. The Selection Committee of Candidates for Tutors assesses the essay delivered according to the defined criteria, to the applicants who met the minimum score in the previous step. The essay must be supported during the interview.
The evaluation of the essay will be carried out for those applicants who pass the stages of review of requirements and evaluation of the resume. This essay must be prepared taking into account the following guidelines and on the dates established in the schedule of the call:
Guidelines for the trial:
At Universidad Industrial de Santander, it is established [[1]] that in the distance modality and in the virtual modality, the relationship between the hours of interaction with the professor and the hours of independent work (HIP: HTI) have a higher proportion of HTI than in the face-to-face modality. The hours of interaction between the teacher and the student (HIP) are mostly synchronous (between 70 and 80%) and are mainly carried out online (between 70 and 80%), although the program establishes a proportion of academic activities that are carried out in physical spaces established in the educational project (between 20 and 30%). In the virtual modality, the development of HIP is mainly asynchronous (over 80%) and mostly online, mediated by ICT (over 80%).
The greater proportion of hours of independent work means that one of the main tutorial-type orientations is the detailed organization of interactions, which becomes a fundamental factor of the training process in distance and virtual modalities. In addition, participation in synchronous tutoring sessions is not mandatory.
Theme: Write an argumentative essay [[2]] in which you present what are the critical aspects to make interaction with students possible in distance and virtual modalities and, based on your arguments, what concrete actions you would carry out.
The argumentative essay must be submitted in PDF format, have between 700 and 1000 words, with Arial font size 11, a line spacing of 1.5 and margins of 2 cm x 2 cm x 2 cm x 2 cm (represents an approximate length of 2 pages).
The subject of the postulated profile that is being used as a basis in the construction of the essay must be declared.
If you are applying to profiles of different academic programs, you must submit one essay for each program. If they are profiles from the same academic program, you only have to submit one essay.
The criteria to be evaluated are: Organization, coherence and relevance, Use of language, Argumentative and creative capacity, Validity of the concepts addressed, Updated reference of the bibliography.
[1] UIS – Academic Council. Agreement 023 of 2022. By which the institutional references for the creation, reform and modification of academic programs of the Industrial University of Santander are approved.
[2] Fazio, D. & Roa, S. Guide for the elaboration of an argumentative text. https://leo.uniandes.edu.co/guia-para-la-elaboracion-de-textos-argumentativos/
Sixth. Interview. The Selection Committee Candidates to Tutors will schedule the interviews, according to the criteria defined at the beginning of the process. The Academic Sub-Directorate will contact those who pass the resume assessment phase and send the essay, to summon them to the interview and support the essay within the dates established by the selection committee.
Applicants who passed the minimum score of the essay will receive a message to their email, informing the day and time of the interview, in which the following points are assessed:
Essay support: argue the theme exposed in the essay
Supporting teaching experience: demonstrate specific experience and competencies in the area of the subject(s) of interest as a teacher
Sustaining as a virtual tutor: demonstrate their experience and competencies in the use of ICT tools and virtual education platforms.
Perspective as an IPRED tutor teacher: express your interest as an IPRED tutor teacher, through some projection of personal and collective improvement that allows the constant improvement of educational dynamics in dialogic interaction with the student, according to the Institutional Pedagogical Model.
Seventh. Publication of results. The Selection Committee for Candidates to Tutor prepares minutes in which it registers the evaluations of the candidates and sends them to the IPRED Directorate for the publication of the corresponding resolution.
Entrega del Ensayo
Diploma courses are not recognized as a postgraduate degree
For degrees issued abroad, the corresponding validation must be presented.
The documentation registered by the applicants through the call form, within the established dates, will be the only source of information that will be taken into account in the evaluation process.
A person can apply for several profiles of a program, if they consider that they meet the requirements of each of them.
If you choose to enroll in two or more programs, you must enroll separately for each program.
The call for regional headquarters and CAEs (Student Service Centers) is aimed at professionals who reside in these municipalities or their areas of influence. This condition does not apply to subjects declared as virtual within the profiles of the Technology in Pharmacy Regency program.
The University reserves the right to verify the information provided by applicants in the resume.
The call process is based on Agreement 105 of 1999 and Resolution 1915 of 2009.
Do you want more information?
Contact Us
Institute of Regional Projection and Distance Education – IPRED
Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000
Extension: 2291
Mail: ipred.tutores@uis.edu.co
Campus Central UIS
Bucaramanga, Santander
Carrera 27 calle 9
Edificio Administración 1 y 2
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.